So sorry for the blog silence this past month! Things were CRAZY around here with holiday sales, then the holidays themselves. Now I'm back in the saddle though! I've been working on some great new products that I'll be rolling out over the next few months. I have the first installment ready today...

And because I'm so excited about these new Smooch Sticks, I'm going to give some free ones away. Three people will be chosen by a random number generator and will receive one of each of the two new varieties. I'll choose winners on Friday. Just leave a comment at the end of this post. It's always more fun when people answer some random question, so here it is: When you were a kid/tween/teenager what fad were you into that you feel was most unfortunate? Mine was probably the 80s puffy shoulder sweater. I had one just like this, only it was white with pink hearts. My best friend had three. I was completely jealous.
Yum! All your lip balms sound wonderful! Um, this question is EASILY mascara, blue eye-shadow, and blue eye-liner all worn together....Gag!
The lip balms look lovely. Strangely enough, I have recently done a coffee lip balm (with some coffee butter in it) and a Lavender (mine has no lemon but yours sounds scrumptious) one as well (pictures on my post...). Um there may have been more than 1 BAD FAD back there? How about "Knickers" (no, no the Brittish word for underwear), which were these short pants that gathered just under the knee, kind of like those olden day golf pants?? Or how about leg warmers, and no not for going to ballet class... nope, just wearing them to school over my jeans??? I would love to try one of your lip balms but mostly I would love to try one of your soaps!!! xo Jen
Love your new flavors! My fad...hypercolor shirts that turned a different color when warm. Not a good thing for sweaty teenage boys especially!! Happy New Year! Molly
Corn Rows. Not a good look for a chubby preteen with dark, wiry hair. Bo Derek I was not.
The mullet haircut! I would love to try the coffee lip balms!
I love your new hubby is a coffee-holic, so the idea of giving him a coffee flavored smooch is fabulous! (When he comes home from Iraq in April anyways! =D)
Ah the 80's...when music was good but the fashion was not! Sadly I was a french rolled cuff sorta girl....and nope not the cuffs of my was my jeans. Oh man and the Pouffy Hair!!!
Corduroy bell bottoms. They looked terrible on me!
Oh my. Remember body suits? I had a tight yellow ribbed tank top sort of one and always wore it with low hip-hugger levi's that were so long they dragged. Nice eh?
Mile high bangs. Need I say more?
I'm really looking forward to trying the coffee lip balm. Sounds great! Back in the day I was a big fan of acid wash denim and anything neon pink and green- bangle bracelets anyone? Epic fashion fail...
Overalls with one strap undone, ala New Kids. @Molly you are fortunate for a hypercolor shirt. My grandparents bought me hypercolor shorts, an unfortunate sight after sitting on their plastic covered couch in Miami ;)
I used to wear my clothes backwards like the group Kriss Kross. Soooo embarrassing, lol! Excited to ry out the new lip balms!! :-)
there are many photos of me wearing my favorite one piece pants outfit from my tweenage years. church, easter, any excuse.
Acid washed jeans with a zipper up the back ankle! Mine even had bows at the top of the zipper! Eech. Like, gag me with a spoon! :-/>
SO excited for smooch sticks! Lavender and Lemon sounds divine! Worst trend spotted on me: maybe banana clips? Or day-glo clothing. It's a toss up
GREAT responses everyone! I can envision you all now. What a motley crew we would have all made together.
I had my straight hair permed into a tight, tight dry mess. It was horrible looking and it caused my hair to break off.
Would love to try your smooch sticks.
I would have to say stretchy pants - the ones with the stirrups on the bottom. Not a fan anymore!!
My mom would have us get bowl haricuts. You know the ones where the hair is all long on the very top and then buzzed around the bottom. :)
Hair crimping. Poodle hair is just never a good idea.
Big bangs. It was all the rage then and I have one friend who unfortunately still embraces big bangs. And she is oblivious to the fact that they're just not in anymore!
The new flavors sound fabulous!
The coffee sounds delicious and what fun reading the comments! I fell victim to MANY of these already mentioned, but I can add Jellies - you know the clear plastic shoes, especially the ones with glitter in them. Oh, and hair scrunchies:)
My unfortunate styles were: boofy bangs and folding the cuff of my jeans over and rolling them so they were tight at the calves! Yuck!
Lavender + Lemon sound devine!
And do I have to pick just one fad? I went through grunge, hippy and goth... wow, some of the things I wore! :S
oh, goodness...big bangs...folded and rolled pant hems...side ponytails (although it's come back and is cute, I think)...I probably tried any and everything my mom would let me in the 80s...
They both sound tasty!!
I was still little in the 80s!
I do remember wearing hawaiian print pants!
Bad Hair styles - oh my - I don't even want to explain my pics from that era!!!! the higher the hair, the better! Teri Dingler
Sort of a pompadour hairstyle! I didn't have bangs, but I still had HIGH hair! My husband loves your shaving kit, he's been using it ever since Father's Day last year!
My worst 80's fad was the the stirrup pants. I had a green,pink,yellow and blue ESPRIT sweater I wore with green stirrup pants and pink boots. I thought the green stirrup pants were the coolest. I look at pictures know and wonder what was I thinking with that crazy outfit!
I shudder at the memory of headbands. Not the kind you wear to keep your hair back, but the kind that you wear across your forehead. Sheena Easton anyone?
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