Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happy Syttende Mai

Today is Syttende Mai, celebrating the 17th of May, which is Norwegian Constitution Day.  Our part of Seattle is home to a large number of Scandinavians, Norwegians in particular.  The North Pacific Fishing Fleet is headquartered here, and many generations of Norwegian families have made it their home over the past 150 years.  

We have the only Nordic Heritage Museum in the U.S., and the largest Syttende Mai parade and celebration outside of Norway.  The parade is just plain awesome...either as a celebration of the city's Scandinavian connection or simply as a vibrant community event.  Last year over 20,000 spectators watched a parade of over 100 community organizations.  This year I'll be sitting in a chair (that will have to be set out early in the day in order to get a decent spot) to take pictures as my children all march with their schools and sports clubs.  

Can't wait!

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