Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How To: Rainbow Chain

This weekend was the Daylight Savings switch, which is always hard, and yesterday was a miserably cold and rainy day here in Seattle.  We're all so anxious for spring and sunshine...and rainbows.  St. Patrick's Day is coming up later this week, so it seems like a good time to attract some leprechauns.

This classic kid project is an easy and fun way to add some rainbows to your day.

Start by cutting strips of colored construction paper and laying them out in piles in the order of the colors of the rainbow.

Pour a little white glue into a small dish so that the tips of the paper strips can be dipped into the glue.  It's easier and much less messy for kids to do it this way than to squirt the glue onto the paper.

Once one tip has been dipped in glue the paper can be wrapped into a link in the chain.  Each color should have two links in a row, so that you can see the rainbow pattern from every angle.

Have Fun!

all photos courtesy of Britt McCombs

1 comment:

  1. I remember making these as a kid and had so much fun. What a great idea.

